Now this is food heaven. Friday night's dinner.I'm a bit perturbed with Blogger and its new interface. It's old one was nothing to shout out. But enough about the issues that erased 10 minutes' worth of writing.
Today's entry focuses on food. I was able to enjoy a cheeseburger and fries Friday night after having my heart set on skipping that meal. Fortunately, I took a trip through the restaurant and discovered a veritable American meal right before my eyes. Yum.

Of the pictures above and below, can you tell
which two plates are mine from lunch Sunday?

Of course, the fingernails in one of the photos – and the shrimp – are a dead giveaway that that photo isn't one of my plates. Surprisingly, there was no rice for the taking for the first time since I arrived. (And believe me, I looked.) You'll see from the small photo at right that the offerings for dessert are pretty vast. Sundays are brunch days here at the hotel, complete with live music. It's a nice atmosphere. And it's only 30 Euro. (I guess that's a good deal if you like the food). Two more food pics and then I'll close the book on that topic (for now).
This was my dinner (and lunch) Saturday.
This was the birthday cake for Mathias Frank Friday.A few odds and ends:
- Note to self: I need a new computer. My MacBook is about on its last legs. This one is from 2007. It's a workhorse, but yikes, it is sloooow.
- I made another trip to the Valencia airport this morning. I'm beginning to get used to that drive. And I got a few FourSquare check-ins in as well.
- The weather here is sunnier than yesterday, but not quite as warm. It's 63. Wednesday looks the best – with a high near 70.
- I watched a bit of the Barcelona-Real Madrid soccer ("football") game last night. Real Madrid scored 25 seconds into the match on the way to a 3-1 win. They love their soccer over here, as you might know. Like really, really love it. Like more than cycling. And that's a bit disappointing. But times change.
- Marcus Burghardt mentioned Princess Olivia in a tweet (shown below), which was really nice. I hope she likes it when she reviews her timeline.