Sunday, February 6, 2011

Miscellaneous Weekend Photos

Sometimes there are some unusual photos that show up on my camera, Blackberry or Flipcam. More than half the time they're photos of a TV program or some inanimate object in my apartment. Back in the day, had I done the same thing, my parents would have yelled at me for "wasting film." But nowadays, it's a matter of simply deleting the strange photos – like the one of the Dutch apple pie the girls baked (at right).

But before they are disposed of in the electronic trash can, here's a sampling of the ones from this weekend.

Some nice coloring pages, via Veronica.

Olivia's "sudden motion" ruined this photo at
Grandma and Grandpa Weide's house.

This is Julia, I believe, imitating Lauren. Not sure.

Veronica, watching TV in Grandma Weide's office.

Here's the finished product. Stay tuned for the work-in-progress.

I think Veronica took this shot of Grandma Weide...

...and this shot of me.

Here is Julia's creation on the computer.

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