Saturday, December 10, 2011

An Early Morning

Smoke billows across the road from an open burn.

One day after one of the hardest days of exercise I have experienced at a training camp, I didn't make it to the next morning's workout session. That's because I offered to drive a few people to the airport in Valencia. I'll have to make up for it at the night session, I guess. Overall, my eating habits are good, though I snuck a can of pop Friday night to help stay awake.

The BMC Racing Team vehicle (caravelle) I drove has some type of funky satellite radio system that allows you to receive text messages. It kept chirping at me that I could send a message up to 64 characters (pictured at right) that was kind of annoying until I figured out how to turn it off.

The other thing I saw on my 90-minute drive (each way) back from the airport was an abundance of opening burns. Smoke billowed in some cases. The first time I took note of it was without any sign of smoke. I thought I was driving with the emergency brake on it smelled of rubber so much.

Also on the way back, a road was closed. That made for some fun, including a detour the GPS couldn't handle. Ultimately, I checked in with my buddy Chris De Vos, who steered me the right way.

Weather-wise, Friday was perfect (sunny, low 70s), but the weather Saturday turned a bit cooler (low 60s) with a lot of cloud cover. I'm not sure about the rest of the week. From what I understand, it's bone-chilling cold in Omaha. I'm not complaining about 60s or even 50s.

It's Saturday afternoon as I write this and I still have a ton of work to do. Let's hope the rest of the day is as productive as the first party.

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