Saturday, November 29, 2014

Annual YD Gathering

Uncle Jack explained the rules of the guessing game.
Veronica was clearly having a ball.
The annual YD gathering is traditionally set for the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year was no exception. But was what exceptional was the weather: 66 degrees and sunny. In late November! Wow.

This year, I did not ride my BMC to Glenwood, though it would have been much warmer than last year (which was also nice). So we piled into the van and made the trip across the river to see our cousins and many more.

The traditional format of an all-kids game was superseded by a competitive game of wiffle ball. Emily biffed her face on the turf trying to stop at third base. And two bats and one ball were broken. But it was terrific time, as usual.

Poor Olivia had to guess the identity of someone she had never heard of.
Veronica had a Disney princess on her back.
Julia (left) finished third in the guessing game.
Julia (left) and Emily knew who Devon had on her back (Bill Gates).
Afterwards, the contestants showed off their celebrity identities.
Grandma Weide was very proud to have everyone pose for this photo.
Of course, the "stair game" was played. Emily (right) seemed to enjoy it the most.
This was the best we could do for the annual photo-on-the-stairs.

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