Saturday, November 15, 2014

Harold Pays A Visit

As we have discovered previously, when you lose a tooth and you're not at home, it's not Lu who pays a tooth fairy visit.

Harold is the tooth fairy who services the Four Seasons apartments and Veronica's loss of a tooth earlier today meant he had to spring into action.

Harold's note, which was very hard to read.
We learned from Harold's note that he 1) was on duty at a hotel up the street; 2) had to battle strong winds to get to our place; 3) the present Veronica received was originally intended for Timmy, who was visiting his grandparents; 4) Timmy's tooth didn't come out so Veronica rang up a copy of "The Great Brain" (which Sean can attest is a great book).

Harold hadn't ever visited our apartment before, we also learned, and actually became confused when he found a girl on the couch wearing braces (Lauren). So he bailed on trying to get the five gold coins and wrapped book under Veronica's pillow and simply left the loot by the front door (pictured below).

Veronica and I spent time reading the first few chapters of "The Great Brain," which made us very happy that Timmy didn't lose his tooth as planned!

The gold coins and book from Harold were found at our front door.
Harold's note was there, too. He sure writes small!
Veronica tried to read it...
...And eventually turned it over to Dad to try to read.
Veronica proudly shows off her "Great Brain" book.

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