Sunday, March 22, 2009

Windy Ride

This is the view I had for much of Sunday's ride.

I need to get my bike in the shop. It is making all kinds of strange noises. The latest squeak forced me to bail on a ride that was already going south (literally) Sunday.

I met up with Brady and Mike at Crane Coffee and we headed into the teeth of a strong south wind. I was hanging just fine (we even gained a guy - then lost him) until I heard a strange noise from my back wheel. I tried yelling to Mike and Brady but they couldn't hear me. By the time they realized I was not with them, I was nearly 200 meters behind.

I ended up stopping and checking my back wheel, thinking I had a broken spoke. It turns out the spokes opposite the freewheel are loose, so that's one thing I will have to have checked when my bike goes in the shop this week. It cut my ride short, but that was fine. My legs were pretty toast from yesterday's race and I didn't really want to ride into the wind much longer.

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