Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Julia!

Julia (far left) enjoys an Oreo shake
at Applebee's with Olivia (center) and Emily.

Poor Julia.

She said she kept forgetting that it was her birthday.

The nice, plush warm-up top and pants she received from the Birthday Fairy apparently weren't top of mind. Neither was the nice basketball she picked out at the sporting good store. Or the delicious dinner she enjoyed at Applebee's.

You can't blame her, though. There were a lot of other things going on: early dismissal from school, Dad's late pick-up from extended day (his alarm went off and he ignored it), a fun lunch from Bronco's that included huge trick-or-treat bags and two movies to watch at the apartment ("Mr. Destiny" and "Mannequin"). So the milestone of turning double digits was a bit lost in all the activity that comes with being the middle child of five.

1 comment:

Bridget Brooks said...

As a middle child myself, I sympathize ... but you did create an amazing day for her!