Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day Three Features Food

A rare photo you'll see from training camp.

So I'm writing today's entry at 12:30 a.m. Not exactly what I planned, but I want to keep my commitment to blogging going.

I took a few photos for one of the team's sponsors today (to ensure they met our guidelines for this training camp) and they turned out pretty well for the amount of time (less than two minutes) I spent snapping them. The one you see above and to the right are two of about 15 I shot and sent off. Obviously a shoe sponsor...

The highlight of the day was probably when the Christmas lights on the outside of the hotel somehow caught fire, knocking out power to my wing of the hotel. This set me back a bit, as you might imagine.

The weather continues to be terrific and the two hours I spent working outside not only completely drained my laptop battery, but they also started turning me a little bit brown. We'll see how long the great weather trend continues and how much of a "base tan" I can bring back to Nebraska later this month.

Todd Herriott, a fellow Mount Michael graduate, is here teaching core exercises (no secret, since he's done it the past two seasons). I'm equally impressed with his new Herriott Sports Performance logo and kit apparel (pictured at right). Very, very pro. He also has custom-embroidered logowear from lululemon. Again, very professional.

Today's blog entry focuses a bit on food. Specifically, what was for the taking at lunch. I showed up at 1:30 p.m. to eat (riders were scheduled at 2:30 p.m.) and everything was ready. So I sat down to dine, fully expecting fellow staff to show up. Nearly forty minutes later, I was still the only one eating. I left at 2:15 p.m. with no sign of staff or riders. So the food they ate had been sitting out for a long time. I hope it was as good as it was when I enjoyed it. And yes, there's always lots of water on hand. I prefer the "natural" and not sparkling.

That's all I've got. Time for bed.

That bowl of salad greens is my starter dish daily.

Reverse angle of the "starter" offerings.

Rolls: white and wheat.

That's soup on the left and rice on the right.

Vegetables on the left, pasta on the right.

Lasagna - wasn't bad at all.

Pecan pie for dessert.

My dessert: squirreled away from breakfast.

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