Saturday, January 3, 2015

Seeing 'Annie'

Before the movie started, we had a "private screening" session going.
Twice in the past week, we had tried to see "Annie." Both times, we arrived at our favorite movie theater, Aksarben Cinema, to learn it was sold out. So this time, we aimed for a late (9:30 p.m.) showing. That's all it took. When we arrived, we were the only people in the theater. It stayed that way until the previews, when two people came in and sat in the back row.

Overall, the movie was pretty good. Having not seen the 1982 original "Annie," I didn't know what to expect – especially since this is "Black Annie" (as many moviegoers have come to call it). It was fine and I even cracked a few one-liners that had Emily and Lauren in near tears. Lauren and Emily had actually been on their way out, having seen a different movie. But Olivia, Julia and Veronica convinced them to join us.

We also got to see Emily in the Aksarben Cinema promo that ran before the movie:

Afterwards, we had some fun with the bikes outdoors:

Olivia was ready to roll.
Veronica said this reminded her of the other time we rode these bikes.
For a moment, I thought Olivia was going to be able to ride it like an exercise bike.
You wouldn't know it from the look on Veronica's face, but it was pretty cold out.
Julia put on one of her priceless expressions for this photo.
Aksarben Village really does it up nicely for the holidays.

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