Friday, January 9, 2015

The Drive Home

Lauren left this note for the housekeeping crew at the Fairfield Inn.
We didn't hit the pool at the Fairfield Inn before checking out – as originally planned – mostly because they did not have a hot tub. But we did enjoy a really nice breakfast and Lauren made sure I kept moving so we got out of town at a decent time (about 9 a.m.).

On the way out the door, Lauren and I stopped off at the vending machine, which featured some unusual items. Very unusual items. Like a cheeseburger!

The going was pretty slow on the interstate in the first hour, with blowing snow and lots of ice. But once we got a bit farther south, we were able to get back up to the speed limit. We also did an "Uncle Bill" and ran the van down to near empty before fueling up in Council Bluffs.

There were also sausage, egg and cheese muffins in the vending machine!
The price of gas was about 10 cents cheaper in Minneapolis.
It was pretty sketchy driving the first hour of the trip.
We stopped at Boondocks – just like on the first trip to the Shriner's Hospital.
Lauren enjoyed a nice piece of lemon pie.

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