Sunday, December 23, 2012

Julia suggested we use a picture of "Boo" for this post about seeing "Monsters Inc."
Lauren and me before the movie.
The girls and I – with Emily's sleepover friend, Shari, in tow – went to Aksarben Cinema tonight to see "Monsters Inc." on the big screen.

Here's a revelation from Olivia: "The movie really goes fast when you fall asleep." And a few people did: Lauren, Olivia, Veronica, me and Emily (who "drifted off," she said). Julia did not. Shari didn't fall asleep either.

Before falling asleep, we were looking for the other large pop that we bought before the movie. No one seemed to have it, but they all said Lauren had it. Lauren didn't have it. So I went down to the front (there were only four other people in the theater watching with us) and asked loudly, "Where is the other pop?" Finally, someone told me, "Hey, Dad. There's still a pop out on the counter in the lobby." Yep, Lauren had left it there when she went to the restroom. I had forgotten that she left it there.
Lauren slept across three seats in the back row.

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