Monday, December 8, 2014

What A Disaster!

At least we were able to crack a smile at the top of the mountain.
What was supposed to be an eight-kilometer hike to complete six missions turned into a nearly four-hour debacle that saw us take the lead, then get lost and hike more than 13 kilometers, arriving at the hotel four hours later slumped over with fatigue and in last place.

I'll keep the details short because I am simply exhausted. But we can blame a faulty map and guide for getting us lost. Then we tried to make up time by running, only to get lost again. A hike up and over a mountain was exhausting enough without the added distance. And to top it all off, I was the only one who brought along any water. Wow.

The second task involved being blindfolded. That's me on the left.
By the third contest station, we had already moved into first place and had to wait.
Gavin Chilcott killed this contest, doing a track stand for 90 seconds – twice!
An hour later, we had given up running and started walking, apparently the wrong way.
At least the view from the top of the mountain was a nice one.
Even the trip down the mountain was a treacherous one. And we got lost again.
One reason why we got lost? Someone had covered up the red dots marking the rocks.

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