Saturday, January 17, 2009

The 100th Post

Ronan and Declan remind me of my hijinks with my brother, Paul.

What better way to mark my 100th post on the YD Cafe than to share photos of my brother's beautiful twin boys? I hope to see them next month if I can coordinate my schedule.

I would be remiss if I did not mention here just how close my brother, Paul, and I were when we were growing up at 5550 Mason. We are the source of our mother's gray hair and I recall many a night when our dad came home and was NOT happy that we had been misbehaving. It wasn't always a welcome sight to see our dad pull his black Volkswagon into the driveway.

I'm guessing a little bit of that rambunctiousness has transcended into our own children. Certainly, with five girls in the mix - and only an eight-year age difference from oldest to youngest - that is going to be the case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sean! Congrats on your 100th post! Looks like you made it through the last Nebraska Iceage ie'last week' and are probably gearing up for Team Type 1's Training Camp. Quick note YD.....the weather here in Santa Barbara,CA has been 78-80 degrees. Better bring your sunscreen and leave your snowblower home! See ya next week! Shelley Vs.