Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Only In Nebraska

It was warm enough Monday morning to snowblow without gloves.

Typical of Nebraska weather, Monday went from warm to wicked - in a span of about five hours.

I did the usual amount of snowblowing in the morning to clean up about an inch-and-a-half of snow. It was so warm (mid-30s) that I didn't wear gloves and even thought about not wearing my parka.

But that would soon change. By 2:30 p.m., snow was swirling, the temperature had dropped considerably and the wind was gusting to more than 30 mph. Here are two pictures I took from my deck about a half-hour apart:

So this morning, I will be headed over to the old neighborhood to get the sidewalks and driveways cleared of snow again.

Here are a couple things I meant to post over the weekend:

Did you hear about the 38-year-old "wealthy guy" who tried to fake his own death, "D.B. Cooper-style" over Alabama? If you missed it, check out the details here - and then watch the final minute of this YouTube video.

Did you watch the Golden Globes? I haven't seen the move "Slumdog Millionaire," but I when I was looking up its plot line, I stumbled across a cheating scandal in the British version of "Who Wants to be A Millionaire?" that I had not heard about until now. Apparently, it happened a few days before 9/11, so that might explain why I wasn't tuned into it at the time.

It is worth watching this special about how it was initially pulled off and how it played out. Check out the videos titled, "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire - Charles Ingram." on YouTube.

A friend also shared this piece of incredible video. I can't wait to show the girls. It is "quite extraordinary" as my friends in Great Britain are fond of saying.

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.

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