Thursday, December 11, 2008

Spend A Little To Give A Little

All five girls had cold lunches for school today.

Sometimes you have to splurge. Sure, the economy is tough. Gas prices have dropped, but they are still "high" in my estimation. But spending a little extra cash can sometimes go a long ways.

Case in point: my Christmas letter. If you want to receive a hard copy of it (I still haven't decided whether to print it in color) send me your mailing address. Yes, I purchased stamps. And I'll be purchasing envelopes, too. Sure it's old fashioned, but I think it means a lot when you take the time to write a personal message, stick it in an envelope, seal it up put a stamp on it and mail it off. Plus, it's fun getting mail. I have already received a half-dozen cards. So thank you!

Carmelo Anthony tied an NBA record last night with 33 points in a single quarter. What might be more amazing is that he finished with only 45 points. That's only 12 points in the other 45 minutes. Hmmm. By the way, Emily's basketball season begins this Saturday and no, I am not coaching.

It was 10 degrees yesterday morning. Today it was an almost-balmy 32. I didn't even wear a jacket it felt so nice. It's only supposed to get up to 40, though, so I can't celebrate too much.

Has anyone else done that "Elf Yourself" thing online? I did it a few years ago. What a great ploy by Office Max to pick up sponsorship of this viral (and fun) feature.

I'm not sure why, but I was working on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus for the summer in my dream last night. What was I doing? I can't recall. But I do remember watching the end of a football practice (in the summer?) and how the University of Southern Cal (USC) was also practicing at Memorial Stadium. (Huh?) What I do recall from the dream was that I took a job with the intention of taking another (so working two jobs simultaneously). But after working at one job one day - as a package delivery person, perhaps - and at the other job the next, I realized I could not do both. So I decided to do neither - and started writing my "Media Notes" column for the City Weekly newspaper. That much, I do remember. Strange. Weird. Tiring.

I'm going to be spending some time today (hopefully) on mapping out my Christmas break plans with my five little darlings, as well as my schedule for the first three months of 2009. If you have any suggestions on what the YD girls should be doing with their dad over Christmas break, leave a comment. (They told me they would like to go "someplace that's warm.") I have some ideas...

Finally, I admire people who can spell out the facts and not beat around the bush. Being a public relations professional often means presenting the facts and information in a manner that casts them in the best light. I have the pleasure of working with a few people who are terrific at telling it like it is. They are sensitive to the hard feelings that this information might generate, but they don't hold back. Kudos to them for staying calm when presenting information that could easily send someone else into orbit because of the magnitude of the situation.

Tip for the day:
Don't use text messaging for important messages. Why not? 1) There is no confirmation that they arrived; 2) You don't know exactly when the message will be delivered; 3) How are you going to prove you "have it in writing" when the message gets erased?

1 comment:

Bridget (Weide) Brooks said...

Your picture of the girls' lunches is making me hungry!