Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who Said It Was Going To Snow?

The snow that fell this morning was a surprise to me -
and the meteorologists who were forecasting Friday night.

We knew it was going to be cold. But no one said it was going to snow today. And it wasn't just a few flakes, either. It snowed for a couple hours. In fact, as I type this I realize that I never got over to the old neighborhood to snow blow. Oops.

It's been a busy day. Pancakes for breakfast, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for lunch. Emily had a basketball game, the girls went shopping with Jon and Bridget and I struggled to get some work done in between.

My van battery died yesterday. I suspect one of the little darlings left a light on. Of course, I hadn't driven it for at least three days so if it did have a light on, the battery had long since died. Fortunately, my father-in-law came to the rescue and brought a battery charger over.

Lots still left to do this weekend. One more day to do it.

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