Sunday, January 30, 2011

European Trip: Random Thoughts

Random thoughts while I watch the women's cyclocross world championships:

  • I've seen the movie, "Salt" twice now (both times returning from Europe on Delta) and really liked it. I couldn't remember how it ended until I saw it the second time.
  • You always miss the little things in Europe: microwave popcorn (though I brought some this time), being able to watch more than two channels on TV that are in English, Walgreen's (for photo developing).
  • They didn't make me take my shoes off going through security in Paris. Hmm.
  • Always like catching up to Dr. Max Testa and hearing his stories of races gone by. If I headlined a story, "Were Hampsten and Alcala Poisoned Before '87 Tour Stage?" would that get your attention? That was an interesting story, to say the least.
  • I learned a new trick to get my own empty row on European flights – board last. So, instead of sitting in the row I was supposed to, I 1) checked to see who I was supposed to be sitting next to; 2) looked for an open two-seat row. There was one – all the way in the back. At first, I was worried the seats wouldn't recline (they don't always), but they did. So I made myself at home back there. Another nicety of sitting in the back? Having the restroom right behind you.
  • I don't normally like Delta, but "Nemo" (real name Alexis) took care of me. She was the flight attendant who left stuff on the seat next to me while I was sleeping so I wouldn't miss it. She even offered me ice cream as we were landing because I had missed it. Here we were, less than 10 minutes from landing and she's offering me ice cream.
  • Team Type 1 has a bus? You had to know that was coming, but it's a physical sign of how much that team has stepped up.
  • Have you heard the Jacksons' song, "Can You Feel It?" I heard it on an 80s radio station online and couldn't recall it from its original release. But I liked it so much, I downloaded it. In two days, I've listened to it 75 times (as of this writing).
  • Why did my apartment smell like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies when I came home? And where is my iPod? I know I had it on the drive home from the airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flight attendant: Care for something to drink?
Clark Griswold: Sure. Pepsi.
Flight attendant: Would you like that in the can?
Clark: No, here is fine.