Friday, January 14, 2011

Heading Out

The plane (at Eppley) we waited for to arrive from Minneapolis.

There is always so much to do when you know you're going out of town for more than a couple days. In my case, it seemed to be a race against the clock all the way down to the trip to the airport. It's also a good thing I double-checked my Omaha departure time because it was about 30 minutes sooner than I thought.

My rush to the airport (thanks for the lift, mom) was all for naught as the plane coming from Minneapolis was late. Snow in "MPS" meant my flight to the Twin Cities was about a half-hour late taking off form Omaha. We made up some time in the air, but it was hardly enough to ease my fears of not making my connection. Once off the plane, it was a brisk walk to the connecting gate and boarding my international flight to Paris. I made it with 15 minutes to spare.

Perhaps most interesting of the entire trans-Atlantic experience was 1) no filling out a customs card on the flight; and, 2) no questions in Paris about what I was going to do in Europe.

The flight to Minneapolis was full.

We had to de-ice before take off from Minneapolis.

Not sure what the green liquid is. Probably cancer-causing.

Once up in the air, we were greeted by sunny skies.

I told my mom I'd take a picture of dinner. It was good.

I tried to get a picture of this last time I was in Paris.

Compare this shot over Paris... one taken just before landing in Valencia.

Check out how empty my flight was from Paris to Valencia.

Don't know if you can see it, but I got off the plane in the back.

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