Friday, March 29, 2013

Finally, A Ride Outside

My view (looking north) along the trail in Council Bluffs.
Before Thursday, the last time I had ridden my BMC outside was Feb. 9. In other words, a long time ago. So getting outside to ride in 50-degree weather was quite a treat yesterday. And then, again today, in 60-degree temperatures.

It was a nice feeling, riding around and not having to haul about 25 extra pounds. And all that riding on the trainer this winter has gotten me in pretty good shape. In fact, on today's ride, I came across a bunch of teens who were riding casually along. There were about five or six in front, with another girl trailing about 50 meters behind them – and struggling.

I rode up on her and asked if she was with them. She said, "yes." I told her it was awful they left her behind and told her to stop pedaling. I grabbed her seat and started pushing her toward them. A few of them looked back and saw her coming as I pushed her straight through their group and into the lead. I'm guessing she felt like a million bucks and the star of the show. It was all quite fun.