Thursday, September 25, 2008

Downtown At Night

One downtown Omaha hotel is making it look festive at night.

So there's a lot of work to be done between now and tomorrow morning. But my mind is on the girls - who will be with me all weekend. We have a lot of fun things planned and the weather should be cooperative.

I had a scary exchange on my bike today when a large truck (some type of industrial storage container-type vehicle) came up behind me and honked his horn. It startled me, especially since he was so close to me. I turned around and thought to myself, "sure, I heard - and see you."

But the guy tooted his horn again. Then again. And even longer this time. I turned around and waved my arm and yelled, "what's the problem?"

At that point, he started gunning the engine. So I slowed down. Way down. He did, too. Then I sped up. He sped up, too. And then ended up going by me. I still don't know what the deal was, but I'm just thankful he didn't take me out. I did get 26 miles in, which was nice.

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