Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I Do

The cover of the latest issue of VeloNews.

Julia asked me today what I do.

The photo above kind of says it all. I secure as much publicity as I can for the two professional bicycle racing teams who employ me.

Seeing Tyler Hamilton on the cover of VeloNews is probably one of the biggest "gets" I have to my credit. Sure, I didn't win the race. And he certainly deserved to be on the cover after winning one of the biggest one-day races in the United States. But there was a lot of behind-the-scenes work done to make this happen - and it is satisfying to know I played a part in it.

So when I told Julia how hard I work at my job, sharing a copy of the magazine with her was certainly a satisfying moment. And it made me proud to be her dad.


Bridget (Weide) Brooks said...

I can't wait for the unofficial "Take Your Daughters to Work" day -- perhaps next summer???

Count me & Jon in!

Unknown said...

Yes, mark your calendar - save the date - make plans now. It's going to happen. I have promised the girls an airplane ride next summer. So start saving today!