Monday, September 29, 2008

Navigating The Pedestrian Bridge

The bridge was busy Monday night, the first full day it was open.

It's been a long time in coming, but the pedestrian bridge (officially the "Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge" is now open. How long? Well, I had to dig through my photo archives to find the photo at right, which was taken at the groundbreaking in October of 2006. Yes, I was on hand - and still have the commemorative pin to prove it. It was a windy, chilly day with grey skies that threatened rain. The ground was saturated (read: muddy) and most of the people on hand will probably never walk across the thing.

Here are two more pictures from the groundbreaking:

Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey was one of several speakers.

Posing with Council Bluffs Mayor Tom Hanafan.

So what was it like today? First, the bridge was fairly crowded. Lots of walkers, a running group and several cyclists. Lots of picture-taking (myself included) and many people who apparently never walk a trail regularly (they were drifting all over the place.

The view from the bridge itself is pretty breathtaking (the view above is looking south). Although I will readily admit I am scared of heights, I wasn't scared at all. There's little chance of falling - unless you make an effort to climb the railing - but it can be a little unsettling to feel the bridge sway and bounce, particularly in the middle.

The bridge spans about 3,000 feet and ends in Playland Park in Council Bluffs. There is a trail there that heads north and south, though I don't know how far they stretch. That will be a future ride. I also didn't see the emergency call phones that are on both sides of the bridge, as well as the middle. (Though I did read on another blog that they are in place, but not yet functioning.)

You can see a live image (still camera) of the bridge by clicking here. This will be a handy link when someone decides to jump from the thing (and I'm sure there will be a few).

1 comment:

Bridget (Weide) Brooks said...

Excellent pictures, Sean!

We enjoyed walking across the bridge too, but it was weird to feel it bouncing below your feet.

I didn't notice the emergency phones either, but did notice the barricades that can be lowed to allow emergency vehicles on the bridge. Wonder what the response time is for the guy with the key, though.