Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prayers Requested

Papa Aube and Grandma Bep pose at their 50th anniversary
party with the YD girls in January.

My father-in-law, Mike, is in need of prayers. He underwent an angioplasty today and the doctors could not finish the procedure because his arteries were blocked.

The means he will be back in the hospital a week from today for either a triple (or possibly quadruple) bypass surgery.

Less than a year ago, he and "Grandma Bep" (as the girls and I affectionately refer to her) celebrated 50 years of marriage. I have never referred to them as "in-laws" as the term is often associated with something negative. Rather, I consider them to be my second set of parents and I love them like I do my own mom and dad.

Prayers are certainly requested and appreciated.


ukelele lady said...

best of luck on this one Sean.

Bridget (Weide) Brooks said...

We are praying for them both.

Unknown said...

Thanks, ukelele lady and Bridget. He is resting today at home.